Personal Financial Planning Solutions

Tax Planning 

Virtually every financial decision has tax implications. At Cora Capital Advisors, we understand that a critical component of effective financial planning is having seamless coordination with your tax professionals to minimize your long-term tax burden.

Maximizing Your After-tax Wealth

Taxes are a necessary part of everyone’s financial decision-making. Our primary goal is to help you make decisions that will maximize your after-tax wealth. While tax planning is often associated with strategies that solely seek to defer, deduct or delay taxation, that is not always the best option. Sometimes it actually makes sense to accelerate income.

The tax law is extremely complex and requires an understanding of federal laws, state laws and sometimes even international laws. Understanding the tax impact of any financial decision is critical. The most important thing to remember is that it is almost impossible to do tax planning after a transaction is executed. Tax planning needs to be a proactive process that is forward looking.

Understanding Your Unique Financial Goals

We work with our clients to understand their overall financial picture and goals. By doing this and consulting with clients in advance of key transactions, we may be able to save significant money that would otherwise be paid in taxes. The sheer volume of regulations that apply in the tax world makes it daunting to try to understand every possible implication of a decision. What may seem like a simple decision at first could turn out to have substantial unintended tax consequences. This is one of the biggest reasons that we advise our financial planning clients to be sure they reach out to us before making any significant financial decision.